Author: packerlandteam
N.E.W. Zoological Society receives grant from Scripps Howard Foundation
The Scripps Howard Foundation and WGBA-TV are pleased to present N.E.W Zoological Society Inc. with a check for $2,000.00 to support projects to allow the NEW Zoo to continue to be recognized as an AZA accredited facility. #SHFoundation
The Scripps Howard Foundation (, based in Cincinnati, Ohio is the philanthropic arm of the E.W. Scripps Company. With a special commitment to the regions where Scripps does business, the foundation helps build strong communities and improve the quality of life through support of sound educational programs, strong families, vital social services, enriching arts and culture and inclusive civic affairs. The Scripps Howard Foundation is a leader in industry efforts in journalism education, scholarships, internships, minority recruitment and development, literacy and First Amendment causes.
Thank you for the continuing support…
2016 Cornerstone Animal Hospital & Recovery Center Project Update
Please consider making a donation to help us accomplish our goal!!
The FINAL phase is near of the Cornerstone Animal Hospital!!! The Society has raised over $1M of the $1.5 million goal in pledges, monetary and in-kind donations, and services. Equipment purchase and installation will take place over the next two years, to be complete at the end of 2018.
This project is designed to improve the quality of veterinary care for the animals at the Zoo and at the same time enhance the experience of the Zoo visitors. Educational opportunities involving the Animal Hospital will be expanded in frequency and scope, and new educational media will be placed by the viewing windows of the new kitchen. These changes are essential to meeting the high standards of care for the animal collection and maintaining AZA accreditation.

Thank You to our Cornerstone Animal Hospital Donors
Cornerstone Foundation-Building
Jack & Engrid Meng-Large Carnivore Ward
K.C. Stock Foundation-Nutrition Center
K.C. Stock Foundation-Children’s Zoo
Wisconsin Public Service Foundation-Observation Window
Schneider National Foundation-Laboratory & Pharmacy
& Lounge, Staff Rest, Recovery & Recuperation
Festival Foods “Zootrition Board”
Byron L. Walter-Hoofstock Ward
$50,000.00 from KC & Georgia Stock Foundation (this is a 2nd $50,000 gift)
$50,000.00 on behalf of Byron L. Walter
$50,000.00 In Memory of Arnold W. Schmidt, Bay Industries Inc.
Thank you to So Many Wonderful Donors!
Thank you Cornerstone Fdn., for pledging $250,000.00 for this project. Thank you Wisconsin Public Service Foundation for pledging $50,000.00. Thank you Jack & Engrid Meng, Inc. for pledging $50,000.00. Thank you K.C. Stock Foundation for the $50,000.00 pledge. Thank you Schneider National Foundation for the $50,000.00 pledge. Thank you to the following for their generous gifts for this project: Ben Schenkelberg, Daniel & Martha Gray, Kathy Hanson, Dr. Samuel Vainisi & Dr. Gretchen Schmidt, Mau & Associates, Associated Bank, Terry & Kris Fulwiler, Karen McDiarmid & Jim Montgomery, Jeff Sahaida, Schneider Community Credit Union, New Covenant, LaForce Inc., Maggie & Jim Ford, Diana Rockhill, Fleet Farm, James Voeks, Red Lewis (PDQ), Drs. Cheryl Skaletski & Margaret Eastman (Bay East Animal Hospital), Dr. Tracey Gilbert, Gentle Vet Animal Hospital, Michael & Leanne Haddad Fdn., Pivot Rock Fund, NE WI Building Trades Council, Scenic View, Hart Design Foundation, Inc., Bay Tek Games, Kathy Hanson (In Memory of Richard Bajorek ), Colleen Fuhrman, Bernie & Alyce Dahlin, Bleser Family Fdn., Mike & Lisa Pritzl, the Ken Long Memorial Fund, Joe & Lisa Draves, Festival Foods, Jean Heintz Memorial Fund, Kiwanis Club of DePere, Precision Cut Stone, Ernest & Joan Harvey (In Memory of their Labrador Retrievers, Rocky, Jake, & Coe), Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc., $10,000 from an Anonymous Donor, Green Bay Packers, Hart Design Foundation, Inc., Anita Sevcik (In Honor of Thomas Sevcik), Lizz Gibson & Jon Russell, Ron & Colleen Weyers, VerHalen Inc., Norman Miller Family Foundation, The Deprey Estate, Green Bay Downtown Lions Club, Karl VanRoy, Dick English, In Memory of Shirley Henry, Wochinske Family Foundation, Rock Ledge Intermediate School, Keith and Priscilla Krist, Trinks Inc. in honor of Cheryl Lehman, Ed Meyer Jr., & Daniel Gray (In Memory of Martha Hanna)!
Contact the Society at 920-434-6814 to make a donation or for more information.
Contact the Society:
PO Box 12647
Green Bay WI 54307
Your Contribution Counts!

The Education & Conservation Center is Paid In Full!
The new Education & Conservation Center is officially PAID IN FULL! Thanks to the Ruth & William Merkey Foundation for making the final payment on their 3 year pledge for this building early, we were able to pay off our debt ahead of schedule!
We are thankful to everyone that supported our fund-raising efforts. The Center has been filled with activity. Students of all ages have walked through the doors to have valuable, hands-on learning experiences and increase their knowledge of the natural world and a variety of conservation issues.
We are proud to share this new facility with our valued zoo guests, and confident that we have already made a difference and sparked a new appreciation for wildlife in the hearts of many.
Conservation Grant Program
The NEW Zoo & Adventure Park and N.E.W. Zoological Society no longer accept applications for conservation grants.
Due to the zoo’s involvement in SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction, we contribute funds only to SAFE-approved projects. For more information about SAFE and our other conservation initiatives, please visit our Conservation page.
Past Conservation Grant Award Recipients
Ms. Jennifer Draiss, Pandrillus Project Asst. Mgr-Limbe Wildlife Centre
Green Leaf Vegetable Scheme as an Alternative Livelihood for Ex-Hunters’ Wives in the
Communities Surrounding Mount Cameroon National Park
Mr. Michael Gichia-Biodiversity Conservation Organization
Sea turtle conservation education and outreach activites in Lamu district of Kenya
Mrs. Paige Singer, Conservation Biologist-Rocky Mountain Wild Organization
Colorado Corridors Project: I-70 Byway Pre-Construction Wildlife Monitoring Pilot Program
Mr. Jeremy Swanson-Director of Development for the Honeyguide Foundation
The Maasailand Games: Supporting Lion Conservation Through Sport
Ms. Angie Dosch, Animal Collection Supervisor for Cosley Zoo
Head Start Program Blanding’s Turtle-in DuPage County, IL
Mr. Janak Khatiwada, CEO-Himalayan Research and Conservation Nepal
Frogs diversity and its role as a biological pest control agent in the rice fields of Chitwan, Nepal
Ms. Julie Sherman and Steve Unwin, Co Principal investigators Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance (PASA)
PASA 2014 Primate Healthcare and Rehabilitation Workshop
Mr. Dickson Baseke, Project Manager
Integrating Cultural Values in Managing Human-Elephants Conflicts in Northern Uganda Project
Miss Zoe Muller, Principal Investigator, Rothschild’s Giraffe Project
Ecology and Conservation of the Endangerd Rothschild’s Giraffe in Kenya
Dr. Darcy Ogada, Chairman, Raptor Working Group. Kenya
Kenya celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day
Dr. Charles Ewono, Project coordinator, Bova Wildlife Conservation Center
Creation of safe haven for Great Apes through sustainable cocoa cultivation in rural villages in southeast Cameroon
Mr. Gadhiv Kafle, Lecturer, Tribhuvan University
Survey of Otters in Parsa Wildlife Reserve, Nepal
Ms. Rebecca Goldstone/Mr. Michael Stern, New Nature Foundation
Kibale Fuel Wood Project in Kibale National Park, Uganda, Africa
Mr. D.T. Tyler Flockhart, Graduate student, University of Guelph, Canada
Density dependent effects and population size regulation in Monarch butterflies
Ms. Zoe Muller, Principle Investigator, The Rothschild’s Giraffe Project
Ecology and Conservation of Endangered Rothschild Giraffe in Kenya
Ms. Kimberly VanderWaal, Doctoral student, University of California-Davis
Identifying routes of pathogen transmission among wild and domestic ungulates in central Kenya
Ms. Helen Douglas-Dufresne-Trustee and Director of The Milgis Trust
Samburuland’s Community Eco-screen project in northern Kenya
Dr. Tara Harris-Conservation Biologist, Minnesota Zoo
Identifying key conservation management areas for Hartmann’s mountain zebras project
Dr. Fernando Passos-Professor/Doctor in Ecology, Parana Federal University
Ecology, Behaviour and Surveying of the Critically Endangered Black-Faced Lion Tamarin in Superagui National Park, Brazil
Dr. Alfred Owino, Kenya Wildlife Service
Understanding Ecological and Conservation Requirements of the Martial Eagle Project in Kenya.
AHM, Ali Reza, Graduate Research Asst. at Jahangirnagar Bangladesh
Conservation Assessment and Prioritization of Habits in Bangladesh Project.
Ms. Amy Deane, Save the Wild Chinchillas, Inc.
Leave No Trace Education Project in Chile.
Dr. Michael Briggs, African Predator Conservation Research Organization
Okavango Transboundary Carnivore Ecology Program in Africa.
Dr. Gay Reinartz, Zoological Society of Milwaukee
BCBI Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Ms. Emma Pethybridge, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Center
Marine Rescue and Rehabilitation Project.
Marine Rescue and Rehabilitation Project.